I've been wanting to start a blog for a very long time, but something has been holding me back. Mostly the idea that starting a blog makes me some kind of megalomaniac. That can't be it, though. I am admittedly the most boring person I know. My idea of a good time is dancing to kiddie cd's or a rousing game of Scrabble.
But here we are.
Anyone who even remotely knows me, knows I am an avid list maker. I literally have lists for everything. And they make my heart happy. So what better way to begin this journey than a list? A numbered explanation of how I talked myself into this:
1.) At one point in my life I filled up journal after journal with all the thrilling details and woes of being a teenager. And it was gratifying.
2.) While the internet often makes me overreact (Oh. My. Gosh. It's definitely Scarlet Fever), it can also be a huge comfort (Whew. That is a normal color for baby poo!). Many times when I go to the web for wisdom it doesn't come from Web MD or a parenting site, it comes from the blog of another mommy.
3.) In some way I'm documenting the fleeting moments of my little people's lives. And that's comforting to me.
4.) The day I put in my notice to become a stay at home mom was the hardest day of my life. All kinds of things were going on in my head, mainly, "Am I doing the right thing?" Almost two years later and I can confidently say that I did. Well, most days. There are those moments when I'm cleaning poop out of the bathtub or puking while my preschooler stands nearby asking what's for breakfast, that I wonder what I've gotten myself into. But somewhere, and I'm sure I don't have to look too far, there's someone else who's feeling exactly the same way I am. And let's face it, when you're a SAHM you really can't beat the feeling of connecting with another adult.
5.) Oh, and starting a blog was part of my New Year's Resolution. Everyone knows those can't be broken.
So there. One more thing off my To Do list. Seriously, though, I have to go check that off....