Thursday, March 21, 2013

Super Hero Birthday: Part 1

Little Man's fourth birthday is coming up. Gasp. I am getting old.  To ease my sorrows I have thrown myself into planning what is sure to be the most epic Superhero Birthday party ever.  At least in my mind. :)

First things first: Invitations.  Here are the invites I just sent out. Early at that. Go me.

I'm pretty happy with the way they turned out, but mostly I'm proud of Little Man for the insert I put in them.

Our house is overrun with toys.  I find them in my shoes, in my bed, in the toilet.  And as awesome as it is to get truckloads of toys on your birthday, the thought of bringing more into our house is a cause for anxiety to me.  So I casually brought up the idea that maybe his friends could bring food and toys to donate to the poor, poor kitties and puppies at the animal shelter.  He's seen those depressing SPCA commercials, so it wasn't all that hard to get him on board.  Of course bossy pants had a stipulation; that he still got presents from grandparents and Mom and Dad.  Deal!

I'm sure someone out there thinks we are terrible people to deprive our son of the wonder that is birthday presents.  Don't worry, his grandparents have that covered.  Besides, what a wonderful opportunity to teach him about selflessness and helping others.  It's a fine line we walk as parents between giving them a better childhood than our own and turning them into entitled little brats.

Anyway, off my soapbox.

Next installment: Superhero Costumes!

Monday, March 18, 2013

A Gardening We Go

I'm going to try really, really, really hard not to make this blog entirely about gardening in the following months.  Pinky swear.  Having said that, I'm super excited we got the opportunity to work on our garden this weekend. I feel so accomplished and there's just nothing better than letting the kids get so dirty they turn the bathwater brown. We had several beautiful days and it was fantastic to be outside.The Weather Channel says we're in for snow this week, but hey, that's Kansas for you.

King of the mulch mountain!  

Wowza, this is going to be exciting!  I figure 3 times bigger than last year means 3 times more fun, right?  Thanks, Papa, for all the tubs!  

I've heard a lot of people talk about planting celery from the store and I just can't pass up a free and easy project.  All you do is take the bottom of the celery stalk (the part you usually toss) and plant it in some soil.  We left about half an inch to one inch above the ground.  I read several different variations, but this is what we went with. Then we put it on one of our handy dandy plant shelves and let the plant work its magic. I have no idea when to plant it outside....I guess I should've Googled that, too. :)

Right after planting.

We did three because we're over achievers like that.

A week after planting.  See that cute little celery growing up through the middle?

The kids and I also started our fairy garden. *SQUEAL!* Well, Little Man and I did. Little Miss mostly just tried to eat everything and chase our poor, poor dog.  I was beyond excited to find all the fairy garden AND dollhouse accessories on sale at Hobby Lobby this last week.  I also bought some polymer clay to try my hand at making our own fairy supplies.  I have visions of tiny cups and vegetables dancing in my head. And of course we hit up Dollar Tree for the gems and rocks and Lowe's for some plants (which will probably die). I think total I spent $30, which is pretty good considering all of the ridiculously cute things I've seen online.  I can't wait to post the finished project!

It's all so TINY!!!!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Detox Bath FTW

It's been kind of a long week.

I woke up the other day with two mini teenagers. Door slamming, back talking, sassy little adolescents have taken over my sweet babies. Seriously, if one more person under the age of four tells me "no" I  might stage a walk out.

And the whining.  Oh, the whining. Nothing more irritating and slightly comical than a little person telling you in the most high pitched, squawky voice that they, "are not whining." Of course not, darling, it's probably just a quick case of nasal congestion.

I've been itching to try this detox bath I saw online.  After the last few days, I can't think of a better time for a test run. And it was fabulous.  I'm not sure if that was the detox part of it or the fact that I haven't had a bath by myself in a year.  It is true that nothing is sacred with children. Hot, hot water +1 cup baking soda + 1 cup epsom salt + two locked doors and a husband standing guard = thirty minutes of bliss. Sweaty bliss, but bliss all the same.

I think I can make it a few more days, now. :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Grass is Always Greener

It probably wouldn't surprise anyone to know that teaching third graders was a stressful and challenging job. I loved planning fun and engaging lesson plans, witnessing that moment when something just clicks, being such an important part of my students' life.  I really loved the people I worked with and well, talking to adults.  I didn't even mind all the paperwork and red tape that goes along with the job.  It was frustrating and satisfying at the same time.
But my to-do list was never finished. I always came home tired with barely enough energy to make dinner and play with my son.  There were always full laundry baskets and a toilet in need of a good cleaning.  By four o'clock my patience was worn thin. I felt like I was spending all my time raising other peoples' kids.
So anyone who's never been a stay at home mom would think life would be simpler after I quit. Well, it is....And it isn't.
I love seeing all of my children's milestones and never missing the quirky things they do and say. I love being the center of their little universes. I love sneaking in afternoon naps and cuddling with them when they're sick. I love teaching them and I love the things they teach me.  I know all these things are fleeting.
But my to-do list is never finished. I'm always tired after making home-cooked meals and building forts all day.  There is always laundry to do and toilets that need scrubbed.  Sometimes I miss having adult interaction and taking showers by myself.  By five o'clock, I'm waiting at the front door to pass off a cranky toddler to Daddy. Don't tell anyone, but I wear sweatpants and forget to brush my hair more often than not.
Who knew being a stay at home mom would be just as taxing as teaching a room full of nine year olds? Not me. I may have even uttered the words, "I would be sooooo bored staying at home". HA! But I honestly think it's something you can't understand until you've walked a mile in a SAHM's shoes....or pink, fuzzy socks in my case.
I guess I can just count myself lucky to have had two of the most rewarding jobs in the world.
Now if someone could just please give me one of those yearly evaluations that are so important in the teaching world.  A pat on the back or some constructive criticism wouldn't hurt. I mean, these are MY kids I'm messing up.